Saturday 18 May 2013

Caviar in Skincare

What Caviar Can Do For Your Skin?

You must be knowing caviar as one of most expensive foods in the world. It is a delicacy made of tiny fish eggs that are processed and salted. So, can raw fish eggs work wonders for your skin? Yes, it can.

Caviar is your skin's best friend for many reasons. Anti aging is just one of them. In the recent years, there has been an onslaught of natural skin care products like gold creams, fruit facials etc.
Caviar facial is another addition to the types of facials you can have.Before you try some exotic and highly expensive caviar on your skin, you deserve to know all there about this natural skin care ingredient.

How Caviar Works On Your Skin:
1. The Goodness Of The Sea: Wonder why the sea breeze gives you that fresh look? Marine climate and the elements of sea or ocean water have been proven to benefit the skin. Sea salts, for example, are used to bathe. Caviar is also essentially marine and has all the goodness of sea minerals.
2. Skin's Protein Diet: You can say that caviar is your skin's protein diet. Our skin and the muscles under it are basically made up of protein, that is, amino acids. Caviar is rich in amino acids that will be directly absorbed into the skin. This ensures regular rejuvenation of your skin to make you look younger and less tired.
3. Human Like Cells: The cell structure of caviar is very similar to the structure of a human skin cell. Strange as it sounds this really speeds up the rejuvenation process of your skin. Caviar helps produce better quality collagen for the skin at an invigorated speed. It slows down the process of aging considerably.
4. Glow Like A Glow Fish: Caviar is not made of the eggs of the glow fish, but it can make you glow like one. Being sea food, caviar is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. That is basically good cholesterol for your skin. These good fats form a layer of pure shine on your skin.
5. Makeup Was Never Better Before: Whether you like it or not, makeup damages your skin. But when you have a layer of caviar cream protecting your skin, you can be relieved. Cosmetic foundation sits very well on caviar as a base. So, it will not affect the quality of your makeup.

How Do I Afford It?Using a luxury food product for your skin is decadent, to say the least. As the saying goes, vanity wins when hunger cannot. There are various brands selling caviar skin creams, but that is not your only option. It is expensive, and if you do not want to use it on a regular basis, you can go for some types of facials using caviar.

Using the most basic skin care tips, rub a bit of edible caviar on your face. That too will do the trick.

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